Kit de culture Zamnesia 'McKennaii'


Psilocybe McKennaii est la plus récente offre de champignons magiques par Zamnesia. Ce qu’il n’a pas en taille, le McKennaii le compense par ses quantités et sa force brute. Il sera certainement un favori pour les fans de mycélium avertis.

51,99 € TTC
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Petit par la taille mais prolifique et puissant, McKennaii répond à toutes les attentes du fan de psilocybine

McKennaii, le kit de culture développé par Zamnesia, amène l’univers entier devant vous. La force des composés de cette variété vous stupéfiera avec des régals visuels et des maelstroms psychiques. Si vous êtes un cultivateur et consommateur débutant, allez-y doucement la première fois. Si vous êtes un voyageur expérimenté, vous allez planer et être très satisfait.

Facile à cultiver, le McKennaii est leur variété la plus rapide à se développer à ce jour. Ce ne sont pas les plus gros des champis, mais ils sont prolifiques. Une fois consommés, les petits chapeaux qui ressemblent à une carapace de tortue de mer vous feront naviguer sur les océans du chaos avec aplomb et jovialité étonnée. Chaque kit donne un minimum de deux cycles de culture (maximum cinq).

Manuel Kit de Culture Zamnesia


  • Un kit de culture
  • Un sac de culture

Calculateur de dose pour champignons magiquesCalculer

Kit de culture Zamnesia 'McKennaii' - Fiche Technique
Volume 1200ML
Marque Zamnesia
Variété McKennai

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Avis (621)
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    Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen den ersten flush geerntet und getrocknet. 12,7 Gramm getrocknet. Und jetzt kommen auch schon wieder die nächsten kleinen Pilze hervor.

    T. B.

    Slowy but steady
    I received my Zamnesia Growkits (McKennaii and Golden Teacher) on August 2nd, and I'm very satisfied with the results so far! Golden Teacher: The kit arrived well-colonized, and I saw the first pins just one week later, with the first harvest another week after that. I followed the instructions carefully, fanning three times a day with a handheld fan. The first flush yielded around 120g wet. For the second and third flushes, I transferred the cake to a larger, taller box and added fresh CVG (Coco Coir, Vermiculite, Gypsum), using another box as a lid instead of a bag. I got another 100g and 60g (wet) from the subsequent flushes, though there were some slight mutations. I’ve since buried the kit in the garden to see if anything else will grow. Fingers crossed! McKennaii: This grow kit took a bit longer, about two weeks to start pinning. Overall, it’s been slower compared to the Golden Teacher kit. The first flush yielded 130g wet, after which I transferred it to a larger box with fresh CVG. The second flush gave me another 100g with fewer but larger mushrooms. I’m now waiting for the third flush. Overall, I’m very happy with the Zamnesia kits. I’ve used Supagrow and Fresh Kits from Zamnesia before, but they weren’t as productive as these. I’ll definitely be ordering again in the future. Thank you, Zamnesia!

    S. H.

    Stalled during 1st flush.
    Unfortunately after adhering to all instructions strictly and in sterile conditions the kit stopped growing mid way through the 1st flush leaving me with a few small mushrooms and a lot of disappointment.

    D. W.

    Adoro questi kit, varietà pazzesca e super produttiva, già il primo flush riempié letteralmente la scatola … peccato non poter postare la foto! Consiglio alla stra grande!!!

    L. C.

    Erster Durchgang ergab 15,6g nach dem Trocknen im Dörrautomat.

    M. S.

    Best shroom box on the Market!
    The kit is refusing to stop flushing! The Zamnesia kits are the best I have tried and I tried Supagrow, freshmushroom and more..

    G. H.

    4 yields, top quality
    The Support offered to replace my kit, and shipped me this one. It produced 4 yields with very potent mushrooms. Zamnesia is the best!

    N. D.

    Still be a customer
    I got 2 kits this time round, first one went bad (Zamnesia McKennaii) but 2nd one has worked out well(zam, fresh mushrooms: golden teacher)and I’m on second flush now. I’ve been ordering from zam for a few years and this is the first time I’ve ever had a problem so it dosnt put me off. These things just happen sometimes with mushrooms. Zamnesia is a top company.

    S. M.

    Bisher drei mal geerntet. Beim ersten Flush hatte ich überwiegend kleine Pilze, dafür aber viele. Die hat sich von Flush zu Flush geändert, sie wurden größer, aber dafür weniger. Die Wirkung ist sehr mild (getrocknet 1,7g)

    K. W.

    jadore je recommande
    sattisfait trs bonne qualité

    E. U.
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Kit de culture Zamnesia 'McKennaii'
Kit de culture Zamnesia 'McKennaii'
Kit de culture Zamnesia 'McKennaii'
Kit de culture Zamnesia 'McKennaii'
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