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Kit de Culture Fresh Mushrooms 'McKennaii'

 4.5/5 (2290)

    Très productif / une valeur sûre
    En faisant attention à récolter avant la libération des spores, le kit a produit pendant très longtemps, de mémoire entre 200 et 300g frais. Niveau puissance je n'ai pas vraiment de points de comparaison récent mais je dirais moyen. J'ai très peu d'expérience avec les psychédéliques mais j'ai facilement gardé le contrôle.

    S. W.

    100% legit
    Package came quick, fruit was plentiful, ive had such a tremendous time! 100% recomemd

    D. B.

    I've had got a few of these grow kits I wad kind of dissapointnted with my grow lots of side pins had developed. And only half the tub actually had developed. Gonna give it another go probably something I may have done I would suggest maybe cover the sides and bottom o the tub so no light gets in.

    G. M.

    champignons MAC KENNA

    X. G.

    Top !

    O. P.

    1st Fresh M. Kit
    First Flush was ok, about 187 gr. fresh. Second flush only 28gr. Won't do a third because of contamination. Overall pretty good and easy kit. Would recommend for beginners

    P. A.

    Ottimi e ripetuti raccolti, sono molto soddisfatto!

    D. D.

    Super Produkt

    S. M.

    Top class
    Avec un peut d'expérience climat lumière led mauve température idéal de vrai monstre d'une qualité exceptionnelle ...wawwwh 13 sur 10 Merci zamnesia

    M. C.

    No esperaba tal cantidad de setas... y han salido varias veces aunque eso si, cada vez menos, cosa quees normal. También son muy fáciles de cultivar.

    A. M.

    Toujours au top!
    Première récolte une semaine après avoir reçu le kit. Comme sur la photo! (Le tapis chauffant n’y est sûrement pas pour rien). Je ne les ai pas encore testé mais je ne doute pas de leur efficacité. Je recommande vivement

    A. G.


    M. B.

    Somewhat fine
    The first flush was fine, however every side was riddled with side pins and there were a couple of genetic aborts, literally had one body grow through itself i.e. In total the first flush netted 15g dry. Now having started the 2nd flush there is literally only a small patch in the corner with a hand full of fruiting bodies, which is kinda disappointing. Everything done as per instructions in a optimal climate. Will see if there is anything growing the 3rd time around, but hopes aren't really there.

    L. V.

    Bonne expérience.
    Respectez à la lettre les instructions. L'expérience donne de bonnes récolte.

    L. J.

    top mushrooms

    D. A.

    Grow kit
    Limited visuals but I think it's down to poor upkeep on my part. Normally much more potent

    W. K.

    We liked it, 2 harvests were harvested, about 200 grams of fresh mushrooms.

    O. P.

    Excellent product
    Highly recommend this kit for anyone who wants to start growing. Very begginer friendly

    L. R.

    1st time growing
    240g wet 1st flush after just 10 days from receiving the kit using a heat mat! 25g dry in total from 3 flushes. Just ordered 2nd kit (Mexican) and hoping for great results again.

    G. H.

    Super für Anfänger
    Die MC's sind echt super für Anfänger. Visuell stark und geistig nicht anstrengend oder ähnliches! Klare Empfehlung. *Nutzt eine Heizmatte für bessere Ergebnisse

    S. K.

    Ein tolles Zuchtset!! Super schnell geliefert und noch schneller tolle Ergebnisse im ersten Flush erzielt.

    L. E.

    Kwamen snell OP... 2, 2,5 week, met verwarmings matje Perfekt

    M. L.

    Wird das erste mal sein das ich Pilze nehme. Freu mich

    P. H.

    Ausbeute ok, Wirkung auch super

    M. B.

    Bei mir sind die super schnell gewachsen und ich konnte eine Menge ernten. Ich hatte auch 5 mal nen Flush, somit wirklich ordentlich was. Man muss nur steril und sauber arbeiten, dann klappt das easy.

    E. Z.

    So easy to grow and would definitely recommend

    S. B.

    Mehrere Flushs und top Qualität

    M. L.

    Schnelle Lieferung u. gutes Produkt
    Hat alles super geklappt. Total einfach in der Aufzucht

    P. K.

    Einfach klasse

    T. F.

    Don’t bother.
    They grew easily and quickly. I got 11.5 of dried shrooms from the first flush and 3g from the second. I took the lot. Nothing. Absolutely no effect whatsoever. Massively underrated and disappointing. Unfortunately I ordered some others before I realised how bad they are. Total waste of time and money.

    G. T.

    Fast delivery to uk. Nice and easy. No bother. Highly recommend

    J. M.

    Fresh rooms mckennaii
    Primo flush dopo solo una settimana dall'attivazione del kit Un po' poveri come quantità Ora vediamo se esce qualcosa dal 4 iettata ... Comunque gli effetti compensano tutto questo Se uno prende Bene.... Consiglio due kit contemporaneamente

    A. D.

    Good product

    G. J.

    primo tentativo in assoluto, sono contenta
    ho coltivato i miei funghetti per la prima volta e devo dire che è andata molto bene. come grammatura ho raccolto in totale una ventina di grammi di funghi secchi, nonostante due errori che naturalmente non rifarò la prossima volta, li scrivo qui a beneficio di chi sta per iniziare: 1) ho confuso le istruzioni e bagnato il kit anche se con quelli freschi non è necessario, ma in effetti non è successo nulla di grave perché il primo raccolto è stato rapido e abbondante. 2) quest'altro errore invece mi è costato di più: ho raccolto troppo tardi gli ultimi funghi del primo raccolto, quando si erano ormai completamente aperti a ombrello (avrei dovuto raccoglierli la sera prima evidentemente, sono rapidissimi a crescere!) e questo ha compromesso i raccolti successivi che sono stati davvero deludenti, ma appunto errore mio che non rifarò la prossima volta. per il resto esperienza top!

    A. S.

    Very fast first flush
    After 6 days first little pins appaer

    M. V.

    Beautiful McKenna
    First flush in 10 days! Very happy with the yield on this and the second flush. I'll see if I get a third flush, in any case I'm more than happy. I lemon tecked 4 grams, beautiful trip, pastel colours and wonderful imagery. Thanks very much Zamnesia!!!

    A. G.

    The greatest mushroom grow kit ever!
    I’ve been growing shrooms for years using different kits, but this one is definitely the easiest to use and the quickest to give results. Just two weeks after I got it delivered, I harvested my first flush, followed by 2 more flushes. Highly recommend!

    D. B.

    hat super Funktioniert

    A. P.

    I am particularly pleased with the support. Everything always works perfectly. The mushrooms have great potency

    M. G.

    Mushrooms McKennaii
    Ho comprato il growkit da Zamnesia. Mi ha dato un solo raccolto. Non più di 20 g di funghi. Li ho provati e sono poco potenti. Ci vuole almeno 1 g per sentire qualcosa

    E. S.

    sehr zufrieden
    Die Ware nach 3-4 Tagen erhalten. Hatte 3 Zuchtsets Fresh McKennaii bestellt; eins war bereits nach 7 Tagen voll ausgereift (dafür war der Ertrag nicht ganz so gut wie erhofft), die anderen beiden Sets waren ungefähr zeitgleich ca. 10 Tage nach Erhalt so ertragreich wie noch nie. War meine dritte Bestellung, und die beiden Nachzügler haben fast die Zuchtbox gesprengt. Die zweiten Flushes waren insgesamt etwas mau. Momentan beim 3. Flush, wobei sich ein Set bereits aktiver entwickelt als beim 2. Flush, die beiden anderen bleiben abzuwarten. Dabei sei erwähnt, dass - was sich schließlich nicht immer vermeiden lässt - bei zwei der drei Sets bei jeweils 1-2 Pilzen bereits das Velum ganz bzw. teilweise über Nacht gelöst hatte. Trotzdem haben sich weitere Flushes gebildet, wenn auch wahrscheinlich mit geringerem Ertrag als es bei rechtzeitiger Ernte der Fall gewesen wäre. Außerdem hatte ich dieses Mal bereits zum zweiten Mal (zum Glück noch halbwegs frühzeitig) nicht darauf geachtet hatte bzw. darüber informiert war, dass bei diesen Fresh Mushroom Sets kein Soaking/Cold Shock vor dem ersten Grow erforderlich ist. Hatte das "Fresh" im Produktnamen gar nicht wahrgenommen. Meine allererste Bestellung war damals (wie ich jetzt begriffen hab) aus diesem Grund verschimmelt. Hatte dieses Mal wieder alle 3 Sets getränkt und über Nacht in den Kühlschrank gestellt, um mich beim Setup mal wieder über die perforierten Growbags zu ärgern, bevor ich dann endlich begriffen habe dass es kein Produktionsfehler ist. Trotzdem sehr gute und potente Ernte!

    D. B.

    effetto divertente con moderata potenza
    coltivazione facile, primo getto in 7 giorni. Il sito web ha tutte le risorse necessarie per sapere cosa fare e quando farlo! per un primo viaggio dose raccomandabile non più di 3 grammi

    A. B.

    Great first results
    First time growing from these kits and it's currently on it's 4th flush and only now showing signs of slowing down. 100% impressed and the strain is just sublime you have made me a huge McKennaii fan. Have just ordered another kit looking forward to some more great results.

    P. D.

    Au bout de 7 jours , les 1er champis sont arriver Reste à attendre que sa arrive à maturité donc satisfait .

    L. K.

    Great kit!
    The kit couldn’t make growing your own mushrooms any easier. I combined it with the heating mat (just put the kit in the bag, the bag in the box and poked some holes in the cardboard box before placing it all onto the mat). First flush harvested after less than 3 weeks, 2 more weeks later the second flush was ready. Now I’ve restarted it again and hope to get some more, but I have a two jar full dried harvest already :)

    C. P.

    Got my kit with black mold
    I am a first buyer and really need this, when I opened it up it was a mushroom that hade grown up, live in Sweden. Got my kit after 4 working days, and some black mold. I contacted Zamnesia, they sad that the mushrooms can come up, and they didn’t reply or sad anything about the black mold. On their home side it’s written that it’s contaminated. Im so sad, bought a heat mat and hydrometer so a lot of money. Waiting 3 days for a mail that was not even answered!, Now im worried about this, so think twice before you go here and trust them, it’s all seems so good right

    C. F.

    Fresh Mushrooms McKennaii
    Top Produkt insgesamt 4 Flushes und der erste war in 10 tagen fertig top quallität

    D. F.

    Easy grow, sweet trip.
    Explosive growth, big yield, no hassle. Had a soft, poetic trip on only 1 gram: pastel rainbow ghosts and skeletons dancing behind the wallpaper. Nothing but peace and laughter, nice comedown, slightly elated for days after.

    E. D.

    En ayant réunit beaucoup des conditions optimales le kit n’a produit que 2 cycles d’environ 5g de champignons secs… un peut déçu de la quantité que le kit a produit mais les champignons provoquaient bien les effets recherchés

    L. V.

    i did not get a second flush..
    i did not get a second flush..

    M. D.
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