Tous les avis

Seringue de spores Mondo Psilocybe cubensis Hawaii

 4.5/5 (68)

    Used it to inoculate my first grow and worked great.

    M. U.

    Top produkt
    Waren bis jetzt die besten Pilze aus meinen Bestellungen

    C. H.

    Très performant.
    Après inoculation d'une douzaine de boîtes de pétri, réussite totale. Excellent produit, je recommande.

    F. D.

    Cubensis Hawaii
    Guter Strain! Bin zufrieden.

    T. W.


    R. P.

    Started liquid culture from this and all good and vlean spores

    M. V.

    Top Sorte
    dauert länger aber die Vorfreude is groß wenn sie fertig sind

    A. P.

    Good product
    Good product with sufficient results...

    C. P.

    Super kit

    J. P.

    schwierig aber gut
    schwierig aber gut

    C. H.

    Yeah, brilliant. Arrived quick and in perfect condition. I had some issues with grow kits so I decided to go all out and do it properly. I colonised some grain spawn, very quickly and healthily grew throughout the bag. Transferred into cocoa coir and manure in a monotub and the fruit came in lightening fast time, big healthy potent fruits, 100s of grams of them, im still getting the odd 60 or 70 grams coming up and I already have enough for well over a years microdosing dried and stored. Extra powerful strain, I tried 10g fresh 25g fresh and 47g fresh and all three doses gave me plenty to learn. So do it! You'll receive much more out of it than a grow box and zamnesia will make it easy for you

    G. L.

    Good Quality clean spore syringe
    I successfully inoculated popcorn grain and agar dishes. All clean and easy going. Good product

    E. P.

    Top Ware
    Myzel wächst und gedeiht. Top Händler

    P. W.

    Danke Blitzversand U. Ertragreich!

    C. L.

    Got 3 suringes about 4-5 years ago and used 2 of them pretty fast, but the last stayed in my fridge all these year. Went ahead and put it to agar 2 weeks ago - and would you be damned! Mycelium is growing!

    M. R.

    Hoge kans op incubatiesuccess
    De spuit lijkt met het blote oog niet al te veel sporen te bevatten. Toch is elke injectie in een voedingsbodem een succes gebleken voor de sporen om het mycelium uit te bouwen

    W. V.

    Very Pleased
    Many thanks to all at Zamnesia, very helpful throughout! Very pleased with the product!

    J. M.

    So good
    Great produst

    N. W.

    Great product!
    Arrived within 3 days! Now 4 weeks and 3 days and I have beautiful thick white grain bags ready for the next stage, really pleased with these will definitely be ordering more.

    M. N.

    Unfortunately the mycelium did not grow. Nevertheless the zamnesia Team offered to resend the product without any additional Costs or to take a voutcher for the Paid Price. I decided to take the voucher since I prepared own surringe from other shrooms. I would like to give 5 stars for very good customer Service

    D. B.

    It works!
    The syringe arrived in great conditions and well packed. I injected the spores in liquid culture and after 2 weeks I see the mycelium has grown so much it almost filled the whole jar. So, that´s great! I will soon test the liquid culture for contamination. But I am sure it will be free of it!

    G. P.

    Looking good
    Looking good so far

    A. D.

    Leider kontaminiert mit Grauen
    Sehr schneller Kolonialisierer. Leider war meine Spritze vom ersten bis zum letzten Tropfen kontaminiert mit Grauen. Den würd ich mir aber wieder holen und hoffen, dass die nächste Spritze/Ampulle sauber ist.

    M. L.

    Die Zeit wird dich belohnen!
    Ich habe das erste Mal eine Sporenspritze bestellt und das ging nach Deutschland ganz ohne Probleme über die Post. Zuvor hatte ich mich noch nie mit der Zucht von Pilzen beschäftigt und ich bin sprachlos, wie komplex die Pilzwelt sein kann. Aus diesem Grund wollte ich auch von Grund auf Pilze anbauen. Vom Roggensubstrat als Nährstoff bis hin zum Flüssigmyzel. Mit einem Kauf kann wie in den Blog beschrieben eine unendliche Geschichte werden. Das einzige was mich etwas gestört hat, ist dass die Fruchtung der ersten Pilze ziemlich lange nach der aktivieren gebraucht haben. Das Myzel sah sehr wattig / flauschig und darunter ziemlich blau Schimmernd (kein Schimmel) aus. Aber die Explosion an Pilzen ist schon erstaunlich. Ich kann den Shop nur weiter empfehlen. Danke

    J. S.

    Habe die Hälfte also 10ml genommen um 1Kg Substrat zu impfen... nach 12 Tagen immer noch am Kolonisieren aber sieht schon sehr gut aus bin schon ganz gespannt auf die kleinen Pilz wunder :-)

    T. L.

    Did not wok as espected but great support
    The bottle seemed empty and did not perform as expected but after my fisrt review zamnesia contacted me for details and gave me a compensation. I did not ask for anything so that's a gold quality move. I put four stars because it would have been easier if it worked properly in the first place, but I get that it can't be working all the time, that is why a good after sale support is needed and they deliver on that. Thanks zamnesia

    K. H.

    No Myzelium was builted
    The spores have not formed any mycelium. Others, however, have.

    M. S.

    Clean delivery, great advice, and a great asset for the starting cultivators
    The service was great, the order arrived sooner then expected, and the sporevial is filled with goodness

    A. P.

    Great mss with lots of visual spores
    I got this mss a week ago, within the syringe there was a ton of spores. Great product

    M. E.

    Starkes und resistentes Produkt
    Kann ich nur empfehlen, wer ein stabiles Produkt und deren Wirkung haben will!!

    C. F.

    Gutes Produkt
    Ist noch nicht zum Einsatz gekommen.

    B. M.

    Producto 100% recomendado y atención al cliente mejor imposible.. Gracias zamnesia!

    I. S.

    Tolle Pilze mit wirklich starker Wirkung super Produkt

    A. O.

    Que du positif ! Idéal pour la culture liquide !

    D. C.

    Very nice
    Tried on grain and PF-tek, failed on the first (bad sterilisation) but PF was very fast and healthy while growing. I had only a small jar but it is fruiting and looks promising (1st flush). At the moment, 2g of dry big shrooms (started to open, had to harvest them), I think 1st flush will give approx. 4-5g of dry material for a 245ml jar, which is quite big. I will try to grate the cake and mix it with 50/50 verm/coco after this flush to see if I can get a bigger harvest.

    P. S.

    Fast growth both with grain and liquid. Not yet harvested the mushrooms but the start is promising

    F. #.

    All fine
    mycelium grows very well and rapid fertility will begin soon

    J. H.

    product works good
    the spores are good and grow nice, i would like a better division on the syringe cos it's hard when you want to divide in many jars but all good :)

    N. G.


    A. I.

    Der heiße Scheiß
    Spitze Spritze, ihr Jungens und Mädels! 2 von 2 massiven PF-Tek-Behältern haben darauf reagiert und beide gedeihen. Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen. Für den Transport ist eine Bestellung im frostfreien Frühling oder im frühen Winter empfehlenswert. ( Für die Germanen die das hier lesen, alles illegal bei uns, bitte abwägen, wo ihr wohnt und wie aktiv der Zoll in den örtlichen Paketverteilerzentren ist.)

    S. W.

    One week after inoculations both liquid and pf-teks. Very satisfying! Thank you!

    B. S.

    I ordered a first syringe which didn't worked. Zamnesia replaced it for free and this attempt was successful. This spore syringe seems of great quality, however I should note that Mondo Spore (Zamnesia spore provider) products are sometimes unreliable : some spore lots work great but some lots don't work at all. The quality control should be improved to make it a great, reliable spore source.

    B. C.

    Very bad
    1 of 4 worked and this was so bad that it stopped growing after 4 days (sterile work)

    E. V.

    purtroppo, nonostante abbia seguito la guida, non hanno colonizzato il substrato. ora ho ordinato le spore B+ e del substrato già sterilizzato, sperando che questa volta vada a buon fine.

    J. L.

    Spitze die Spritze :-)
    Schnelle und Diskrete Lieferung! Nach 4 wöchiger Zwischenlagerung im Kühlschrank verimpft. Erste Lebenszeichen im Substrat nach 2-3 Tagen an allen stellen wo geimpft wurde. Bin sehr zufrieden!

    D. D.

    No contam but no growth either
    I innoculated 8 jars with 1mL each and only one has shown growth in 3 weeks. The one that took of is doing well but is still slow. I might try to innoculate again with this syringe in a week or two to see if it does any good.

    P. R.

    Excellent product
    Fast and discreet shipping. Enough to inoculate many substrates. Totally worth it. Thank you!

    H. G.

    attente de fruit !
    seringue complete les premiere on été difficile pour le mycelium de ce developper mais c'etait de m'a fautes la mes pains sont en periode d'incubation ! hate de voir de jolie chapeau tout orange !

    L. T.

    Clean !
    pas encore essayé, mais bien reçu le paquet, bien emballé et tout. Y'a plus qu'à !

    J. V.

    Good Grow
    These spores were pretty effective. Saw good growth.

    R. P.
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