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Extrait Calea Zacatechichi 10x

 4/5 (88)

    na ja, ...
    Geliefert war´s echt schnell. Zur Wirkung kann ich nicht viel sagen, da mir der Vergleich fehlt. Hatte mir Tee davon gemacht. Der war fürchterlich bitter. Aber womöglich habe ich irgendetwas falsch gemacht.

    D. M.

    Sehr bitterer Geschmack Am besten mit einem Löffel Honig An die Träume kann ich mich leider nicht erinnern.

    J. B.

    Sueños vividos
    Sueños intensos

    M. B.

    Molto forte

    G. C.

    Nicht schlecht
    Hab mir ernsthaft mehrmals im wachzustand die frage gestellt ob ich träume! echt krass! träume selbst hatte ich zwar keine aber einen seehr guten schlaf.

    M. B.

    Bitter en relaxerend
    De smaak is niet voor iedereen maar het werkt heel ontspannend en de slaap verbetert. Wat dromen betreft was het niet zo uitgesproken maar wel effect gemerkt. Zeker aanrader.

    H. A.

    Powerfull first time i expieierience i like it

    T. C.

    Ottimo prodotto
    Fumata con tabacco è un po' amara ma sono riuscito a ricordare alcuni sogni nelle settimane successive

    M. V.

    Nummer one
    Very good

    P. W.

    pas génial
    C'est déjà fort en goût beurk amer juste avec un bout de langue, donc je l'ai fumé mais pas bon non plus et rien. Un ami en a fumé une bonne quantité et rien non plus.

    S. P.

    Ho avuto subito dei miglioramenti, ho ricordato diversi sogni fantastici

    A. P.

    La cosa mas amarga de la tierra
    Funciona, es interesante su poder mágico, pero una infusión de esa planta es la cosa más horriblemente amarga que hay. Solo tocar los labios te produce un espasmo muscular tan grande para rechazarlo que no sabes como beberlo. Hay que endulzarlo o mitigar el sabor con otros sabores.

    I. S.


    P. H.

    Made an infusion with it, taste is horrible but when you check out what happpens in your dreams it doesn't matter anymore. Some people drink coffee and not everyone likes it ;) but the effects are here. Just let the water cool down a bit when you boil it so that it doesn't burn the plants components. And if you try to put honney or sugar in it...don't. It will only make the taste worse and you will be disgusted for a moment. I recommend, if ou truly wanna explore your dream realms, do it correctly. :) Wanna try smokin it next !

    V. A.

    i smoked it it wasnt really that bitter or bad tasting unfortunately it did not boost my dreams or affect me in a strong way but i cant rate it since i haven't dreamt in a long time so i cant really say

    N. M.

    Mis dans une cigarette roulée, j’ai Mis le tabac au début et 2g sur le bord de la cigarette sans mélanger au tabac , l’effet est bluffant en étant éveillé, pas pu m’endormir tout de suite donc pas de retour sur les rêves …

    J. D.

    Good stuff
    Taste is bitter too much can shorten sleep

    A. K.

    I used a small amount of the dream herb in hot water and had only two sips because it was already starting to affect me. I couldn't stay awake so I went to sleep and immediately started to have lucid dreams. There were so many that when I awoke the next morning I couldn't remember any of them. I would like to add that it wasn't too bitter because I used a small amount, but I still added some agave sweetener to improve the taste. What I didn't finish drinking last night, I will probably drink this evening.

    K. B.

    Il gusto e’ davvero amaro perciò non sono riuscito a berla tutta, però ho fatto tanti sogni nella stessa notte, vividi e molto dettagliati

    A. C.

    Oh, wow
    Je ne savais pas comment l'utiliser...pas de mode d'emploi.. j'ai voulu le boire en infusion.. et je vous le déconseille vivement. J'ai mis 1g dans 250ml d 'eau, à peine j'ai gouté l'infusion avec ma langue que j'ai fait une de ces grimaces! le gout horriblement amère! j'ai jeté

    F. #.


    R. N.

    J'en ai fumé en mélangeant avec un peu de tabac et n'ai pas eu d'effet

    I. A.

    Might not work for everyone
    I mix it with blue lotus flower and smoke it in a joint. There is no immediate effect on me from this extract alone. However, when falling asleep I do get clearer, more vivid dreams. Upon walking recalling my dreams is easier then usual. I want to add that the effects might not be the same for everyone. My friend received a joint from me as a gift and he said it didn't have any profound effect on him, unfortunately.

    Z. W.

    No effects for me, and a very bitter taste
    I'd recommend to use something to mask the taste of this, it is extremely bitter! For me it didn't manage to "reboot" my dreaming. I'm hesitant to try it again because the taste makes it an ordeal to use before bed.

    G. S.

    More vivid dreams
    This is my first time trying a dream herb. The taste is quite bitter so I placed some in a gel cap, an hour before going to bed. I remembered about 4 dreams, all of them being very vivid, with the colors and many details. My dreams are usually very random and hard to make sense of anything. These dreams were actually like a story and recalling them was easy. I highly recommend this product !

    K. L.

    Rêve vivant aide aux rêves lucided
    Infusion très très amer, attention à vous ! La première fois que j'en ai pris, cela m'a permit de faire un rêve qui paraissait assez long et réaliste/vivant ! J'ai une technique pour optimiser l'effet de cette plante, c'est de l'a prendre avant de dormir et que vous allez dormir beaucoup cette nuit, car si vous dormez que quelques heures, vous n'avez pas le temps d'atteindre le sommeil paradoxal et donc des rêves. Prévoyez de le faire le weekend, de dormir par exemple 10h, pour ma part je me suis rappelé de 3 rêves dont un très vivant et qui paraissait réel ! Environ 0,2g suffisent, plus vous en mettez, plus ça sera amer et donc inbuvable.

    L. L.

    Didnt work
    it didnt really work, i dont remember the dream/dreams so its really hard to tell

    A. R.

    Super produit
    J'en ai commandé au moins 3 fois chez Zamnesia, je n'ai jamais été déçue! Je fais toujours des rêves lucides avec ce produit en le mettant dans des gélules en gélatine. Cependant, j'ai l'impression que les rêves sont de moins en moins lucides avec le temps, mon cerveau a dû s'habituer au produit.

    C. L.

    Oh, wow
    That's the first substance in my life, that really producing VIVID dreams! Last half-year i had barely any dreams and with this thing i had 3-5 different scenes per night. Effect even accumulating if you taking it few days in a row. There are advices to take it in a middle of the night before certain dream phase, but i just drank it at the evening before going to bed. I don't think i could get any sleep immediately after drinking tea with SUCH taste. Mixing it with honey won't help, but taking honey _after_ you drank it helping little bit.

    A. K.

    Pas pu tester
    Je ne savais pas comment l'utiliser...pas de mode d'emploi.. j'ai voulu le boire en infusion.. et je vous le déconseille vivement. J'ai mis 1g dans 250ml d 'eau, à peine j'ai gouté l'infusion avec ma langue que j'ai fait une de ces grimaces! le gout horriblement amère! j'ai jeté... Apparement il aurait fallu le fumer... je suis dégouté.

    D. R.

    Esta vez no era extracto, la he probado varias veces y he soñado un montón, pero este ultimo pedido no me hizo absolutamente nada, bueno si gastarme 20€ .

    M. M.

    Worked for me. Smoked half with tobacco. Had the weirdest dreams. Maybe not for me but still worked.

    S. D.

    Beware of an extremly bitter taste
    My dream recall is usually very good, with naturally vivid and crazy dreams. So when i heard about Calea Z in podcast and website (Zamnesia, How to lucid, and so on...) I became very curious about it. Let's be honest: the taste is awful. If you try it as a drink, unless you really love bitterness you might want to use a sweetener. Otherwise finishing it will prove to be a tough experience! Smoking it brings a lighter bitterness to any vape or rolled joint. It's still pretty tough, but much more accessible than drinking it. And you can easily feel the light euphoria and improved clarity that the plant induces! I would recommand it only for people interesting in improving they dreams recall and vividness. Cheers!

    B. B.

    Sueños muy vividos
    Excelente para tener sueños que recuerdas al dia siguiente, vapeada con CBD para un efecto muy relajante.

    F. R.

    troppo cara
    30 euro per soli 3 grammi quando su amazon ho visto che ti vendono 50 grammi a 30 euro, ora io non so se sia per via degli effetti che da e magari quella su amazon è tipo "finta" e questa è più potente ma per ora mi ha deluso parecchio.

    M. P.

    Non saprei
    Ho provato per 3 sere di fila facendo sia un infuso che fumandola con del tabacco, il sapore è amarissimo sia da bere che da fumare, ma non impossibile da gestire. Ad essere sincero non ho avuto esperienze oniriche cosi lucide o vivide durante queste sere tuttavia ne ho riportate di particolarmente vivide (ma non lucide e coscenti) nelle notti a seguire un po come se l'esperienza avesse "sbloccato qualcosa", resta da vedere se è merito della calea o se è un fatto indipendente. Ho ancora qualche bustina e sono certo di riprovarci in futuro.

    M. M.

    Quizas lo probé con demasiado enfoque técnico. Estaba demasiado atento de las sensaciones y efectos. Leves alteraciones del color, sueño pesado, y ningun efecto esperado por la descripción. Eso sí, al dia siguiente noté subidón de buen rollo. (Recomendado pq hay que probar de todo)

    H. A.

    El extracto de mis sueños
    Yo la vapeo con cannabis cbd y con hacerlo tan solo una vez al día durante unos cuantos días tengo unos sueños muy vívidos q recuerdo perfectamente por la mañana y sigo soñando así por unos días aunque no la vapee. Además estos sueños vienen cargados de mucho significado y algunos son realmente emotivos. Al vapearla con cannabis no noto ese amargor y el sabor es aún mejor con una cervecita. Definitivamente me alegró el confinamiento !

    J. T.

    Solo fumamos, combinado con tabaco, mitad del paquete de calea, entre dos personas. Nos dejo secos en media hora, con una sensación de adormecimiento general en el cuerpo y mucha sensibilidad, tuvimos muchísimos sueños muy activos y vívidos. Nosotros de normal tenemos sueños activos y mucha sensibilidad a sueños lúcidos desde pequeños, así que eso debe influenciar.

    A. A.

    E’ stata una bellissima esperienza, ho fatto dei sogni fantastici. Grazie

    C. M.

    Fumandola il gusto non è per niente gradevole, ma personalmente ha avuto un ottimo effetto sui sogni

    E. A.

    I wish take it every day. Very nice dream.
    I smoke 0.5grams of calea zacatechichi mixed with a CBD weed with less than 0.2% of THC. I recomend not to smoke regular weed with THC because it have the potential that you can't remember dreams. I take too valeriana and pasiflora for sleeping that probably makes you dream more because the relaxation and the conecction with REM. In my dream I was more clever and lucid than ever, I was very surprise for that. It's amazing for introspection and know more about youself and the posibilitis tht brings the world to you. It wasn't at all a lucid dream because I can't do wathever I want but it's excelent experience for me at all. Probably if you make a tea the efects will be more powerfull. I only smoke and it works. I'm from Spain and I recive this to my house perfectly and fast.

    S. M.

    Produit testé
    Produit très différent des Kratom ...

    H. M.

    la planta MADRE para los sueños lúcidos y vividos
    pásate de la dosis que no pasa nada es tomártela TODO EL DÍA a todas horas, tranquilo. Si tienes suerte, bien, sinó prueba otro día tes, ingestada, tintura, lo que quieras Lo que es muy amarga y muy asquerosa, tanto que te darán ganas de vomitar, yo estuve años sin tomarla por que era asquerosa hasta que me he adaptado, pero, repito, es muy muy muy muy mala, y la gente al final ni se acaba una simple taza de te. Lo que he hecho yo es tintura con alcohol y dejar la calea que deje sus propiedades y me tiro gotas en la boca para que haga su efecto. Debes tomarla a todas horas, nadie te asegura nada, PERO FUNCIONA, lo que no al 100x100, es tener suerte, como tener un sueño, algun día puedes acordarte como no, éste te hará potenciar, vivir, y tener mil detalles más. Mi planta onírica es ésta.

    A. V.

    Not working for me
    I brew a tea from the whole bag for 15 minutes. I drank it before going to sleep. But no lucid dreams or what so ever. Maybe I have a high tolerance. I'm a male, 88kg. I's a shame I really was looking forward to this.

    S. H.

    I tried to vape it, and the night after i dreamed more vividly, like 3 dreams in a row where i was able to interact as i wish. Cool substance.

    F. C.

    Vapen works totally fine with the herbs
    Just like others I was quite surprised when the baggy that arrived was filled with herbs instead of powder, still I made myself a tea out of it twice both times I couldn't sleep afterwards not even with meditation. Then tried smoking it which wasn't effective either. I did not want to gape it until yesterday because I was afraid it would melt like a lot of people write but it worked perfectly fine didn't melt and for the first time I had about 4 very realistic dreams which I can clearly remember and I was able to sleep just minutes after the consumption. Going to experiment some more but now I'm quite impressed

    S. P.

    I will give u answer why it dont work
    I wont work on u cause governments givin to water fluoride to block our proper work of pineal gland do not use it, and if u guys smart and heard pineal gland produce DMT , and its our third eye. In meditation u activate ur pineal gland but thanks goverments we cant use it propely. And when u goin sleep did u think what happening ? Its trance state getting ur mind out of body but but when we woke up we don't remambre our dreams cause FU fluoride. Ancient Egyptians know about those stuff EYE of horus was representations of pinealgland (third eye) and only elite have that sign as they was usin it . Same we got now in our culture only few know about those secrets. And about Calea Zacatechichi on me work very well I got about 4 lucid dreams. Cause I know how to protect my body. Sample Buy organic totth paste cause if u use that with fluoride its work rubbing cocaine into the gums but rubbing fluoride by brushing with this type of paste.And fluoride affect as well DMT states Meditation states Dreams

    M. G.

    Weak effect
    Taking half of the pack (.5 gr of the 10x) gave just a bit more vivid dreams but nothing outstanding. I took it as a tea with honey. Next time I will try to eat/swallow the extract at once but so far this is not really satisfactory.

    C. V.

    It says powder, but was the leaves
    It says powder extract on description but I recieved the leaves, 10 x gram , do I still make the same way? In tea pot?

    S. S.
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